Task Force Crusader

I had to look up a couple of novels that I knew were distinguished in both content and length. For instance, J.R.R Tolkien’s books are epic, some of them extending beyond 140,000 words in length. Arklight: Task Force Crusader is now in rewrite mode where it will inevitably swell, then shrink, through the editing process. After today’s progress, it sits at a comfortable 128,000 words, give or take a few. Not Tolkien territory, but it’s pretty close. So who cares, right?

Amazingly enough, Arklight has a modest fan base and I thought it worth mentioning, since the previous two books came in around the 85,000 word mark. This story is going to have an epic beginning, middle, and end that should hook everyone in. I’ve condensed what could have easily been two books, into an information-packed action-junkie frenzy that should delight any reader. The historical accuracy will keep your Wikipedia searches ablaze, while the story takes you on a journey to the very end – the end of all things. Yeah, the stakes are larger than life!

I’m looking forward to hearing from the beta readers already, and I’m still a couple of months away from that stage of the process. This story loops factual history through a maze of well-known conspiracy, following Biblical prophecy from the Crusades into the modern day. Spear Team is getting ready for one last ride into the depths of discovery this summer! Magnus is hot on their heels. Task Force Crusader is coming at you in full force!

Look for the award-winning Arklight: Operation Nightfall and the recently released sequel, Arklight: Force Interdiction on Amazon and Amazon Unlimited. The final installment of the trilogy, Arklight: Task Force Crusader will released sometime this summer!


I’m happy to announce a special FREE promotional weekend! Starting TODAY (Oct 12) through the weekend (Oct 14), get the AWARD-WINNING GENRE-SMASHING THRILLERArklight: Operation Nightfall for FREE! That’s right! FREE – All weekend long!

While you’re at it – enjoy a Special Kindle Countdown Deal on the NEWLY RELEASED Book 2 –  Arklight: Force Interdiction starting at ONLY .99 Cents! Yeah, you heard me. Both books for only .99 cents through this weekend!

50% of all proceeds will go to worthy charities around the world! Free and countdown deals only apply to the kindle ebook versions of the Arklight book series.


The Arklight Saga and More!

After much thought, internal discussion, and plotting, the Arklight story will end with book 3, Task Force Crusader. The story was originally planned for 4-5 books, but I’ve grown to appreciate heart-pounding, pulse-pumping action. That means book 3 will be much longer than the first two, essentially packing the last phases of the story into a mind-boggling ending. The good news, I’m already well into the initial write, and I don’t think it will take very long to finish.

The readership has grow exponentially since Operation Nightfall hit #1 on the Military War Thriller Free list on Amazon. It almost topped three different categories that weekend. Force Interdiction is still getting off the ground and I’m expecting a review from SPR any day now. Fingers crossed; they usually don’t pull any punches. Hoping it fares well.

Stay tuned for some cool upcoming features of the Arklight story. Get your copy of Force Interdiction today!

On another note, I’ve started a new project that’s different and interesting. I can’t wait to pull from all of the stories floating around in my head. To words; cop stories. Finally, thanks to the readers!

TODAY: Force Interdiction Release!

After an awesome promotional weekend, Arklight: Force Interdiction is available TODAY for purchase on Kindle and Paperback! Operation Nightfall went to #1 on Amazon’s Military Thriller free list over the weekend, so don’t miss the follow up to that incredible story! Interdiction uses Nashville’s diverse civil war history to create an awesome backdrop to the story. A new mission awaits!

This installment brings back Spear Team as they attempt to locate another piece of the ultimate weapon. The appearance of Magnus O’Keefe has deadly consequences. The Alsos Mission team learns the importance of the Knights Templar journal, and they follow up on one of it’s secrets in WWII. Find out the importance of the Ghent Adam panel code and what’s really at stake.

Arklight: Force Interdiction Review

This ARC review was courtesy of Lindsay Merkel and can be found on Goodreads.

5 of 5 Stars!

“Arklight: Force Interdiction” – Spear Team is back with even more action, adventure, and time travel in this second installment of the Arklight series! The story also introduces new characters, a wicked Big Bad, and more historical mysteries to solve.

Using the ancient Knights Templar journal from their first mission, the new novel sees Spear Team working to uncover and obtain another piece of the “ultimate weapon,” which is tied to historical works of art that are hiding critical secrets. The story unfolds across time as the large cast of characters engages in separate-but-related missions in World War II, the Civil War, and modern day 2016.

As the sequel to “Arklight: Operation Nightfall,” “Arklight: Force Interdiction” is a strong followup to the first novel. Like the first book, the story is well-written and the plot is robust – in fact, I think there is even more happening here in “Force Interdiction.” There are so many layers to this story! Like it’s predecessor, “Arklight: Force Interdiction” is a multi-themed book, blending together military, history, and spirituality elements. When combined, these themes create a novel that is equal parts exciting, interesting, and inspiring. And while there is a lot information to absorb, the threads of the plot come together steadily throughout the book, offering suspenseful moments to intrigue readers, and then delivering on resolution so we aren’t left behind as the story continues to jump between missions and eras.

“Force Interdiction” also sees a minor character from the first novel rise up as a major player, who contributes to making the second book decidedly gorier and raises the stakes for Arklight by way of his cruelty and a mission of his own. Along with this villainous figure, “Force Interdiction” includes several female characters in each time period who fill some smaller, strategic roles. Their presence is a fresh addition to the action, showing us some diverse ways in which women contribute to the missions of Arklight!

With its solid writing, detailed storyline, and variety of characters, “Arklight: Force Interdiction” is a novel that will appeal to a wide audience. In addition, its unique blend of thematic elements puts the Arklight series into a genre of its own. I say “series” because it seems there is still more to transpire for Spear Team and company, and I look forward to the continuation!

The ARKLIGHT Story Continues!

In preparation for the release of Arklight: Force Interdiction, I have completed a newly revised version of Operation Nightfall! I took a few liberties, adding a few sprinkles that will carry the story into Book 3 – Task Force Crusader.

I’m about two-thirds of the way into the initial write and the story is truly turning into a bitter battle of good versus evil. There’s so much history to discuss! The Nazis, Hitler’s escape from Berlin, the Alsos Missions, the Order of the Black Sun, the Teutonic Knights, and the Order of the Knights Templar. What an incredible journey!

Readers’ Favorite has already given two reviews, calling Interdiction “Powerful, Epic, and well-written.” The plot was described as “complex”, the characters “rich”, and the settings “brilliant” by the reviewers. Self-Publishing review and a few more should be coming out in the next couple of weeks!

Arklight: Force Interdiction is available on Amazon for Kindle Pre-release and the Paperback will drop August 13th, 2018

Arklight: Operation Nightfall will be FREE from August 10th – 12th for Kindle – It’s always FREE to Kindle Unlimited Subscribers!

A FREE First Look!

Coming Soon!

It’s time to give everyone a sneak peak of what I’ve been working on –  I give you The Prologue to Arklight: Force Interdiction. Just click on the link below to view it in PDF. Look for the entire book to release on Amazon, August 13th, 2018.

There’s still time to read Arklight: Operation Nightfall – the one that started this incredible journey (4.8 out of 5 Stars on Amazon). The prologue picks up about 6 months after Nightfall ended, but is a stand-alone story all it’s own.

Buckle up Nashville! Magnus O’Keefe is one nasty hombre, hell-bent on vengeance. Arklight is humanities only weapon against this deadly foe. A battle like no other looms on the horizon – Fight for yesterday… Hope for tomorrow…

Force Interdiction Prologue

Force Interdiction Releases in 1 MONTH!

I am very happy to announce that Arklight: Force Interdiction is complete and will release August 13th, 2018! This second installment of the Arklight series will delve much deeper into the mysterious world of the Knights Templar and the origins of Arklight itself. The cover art was laid out to give you a few clues about the content and characters. I’m very proud of this installment, and I think the plot twists should keep anyone entertained.

Prepare to find out more about the coin given to Captain John Steadman by Ensign John Bell. Who translated the binary code on the Adam panel of the Ghent Altarpiece? What is the ultimate weapon and why was it created? What really happened during the Alsos Missions? So much to cover and don’t forget that the Storm on the Sea of Galilee is still up for grabs. What’s the significance? I can’t wait to share the next set of clues!

In preparation for the release on Force Interdiction, I’ll be offering Arklight: Operation Nightfall free to all kindle users on August 10th -12th and it’s always free on Kindle Unlimited! The ARCs are going out today, so thanks to the readers!


Latest Review

Some books, especially those written by well-known authors, get hundreds, even thousands of reviews online. Getting started can be tough, and getting feedback can be even tougher. However, for new writers this interaction with the average reader, professional reviewers, and even staunch critics is imperative to the process. We feed off of every review and use them for guidance, motivation, and even future story-line input. Personally, I read every review and find something useful in all of them.

This lastest review came from Lindsay Merkel ,a professional reviewer, and I was floored after reading it. She wrote that she believed if it needed a comparison, “then think a Tom Clancy – Indiana Jones crossover with religious themes.” To get compared to my favorite author of all-time and a movie franchise created by George Lucas is high-praise if you ask me. She described Arklight as: “Brilliant” – “Distinctive” – “Unique” – “Impressive”. This was a great review and I pulled some strong motivation out of it as I sit down today to continue writing Task Force Crusader (Half way done with the initial!). Thanks to everyone who has provided feedback for this book series. Look for FORCE INTERDICTION to release August 13th, 2018!